The Corryong Courier
Letter to the editor: Who manages our money?
1 min read

There has been an enormous amount of publicity around the millions donated for bushfire victims but very little about how those millions are being managed for the victims themselves. 

It is of great concern that the money, given with all good intent, will disappear into a bottomless pit of bureaucracy and administration. 

Country folk will need financial support for years to come as they rebuild their lives, farms, businesses, and personal wellbeing. Where is the money and who is going to make sure it is distributed widely and fairly?

Sue Sullivan, 
Rye (bushfire victim, ex-Nariel Valley)

(Editor’s Note: The Upper Murray Innovation Foundation (UMIF) - the community foundation branch of the Corryong Neighbourhood Centre (CNC) - has established a tax deductible donation account with the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) to support medium to long term bushfire recovery initiatives in the Upper Murray. All donations go directly to those affected by the fires in the region.

Donations can be made to the account online at or via EFT to ‘Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal Public Fund’

BSB 633 000
Account Number 144 419 736
Reference ‘UMIFIRE’ and the first four letters of your surname or by cheque or credit card at the CNC.