The Corryong Courier
Centre became a community hub during bushfire crisis
1 min read

I want to thank Sandi Grieves for her kindness, flexibility and stamina during the first couple of weeks of the fires at Walwa. 

Sandi, along with a small band of volunteers, turned the Walwa Bush Nursing Centre (WBNC) into a ‘pop-up hotel’ for locals who were displaced because of the fires, volunteer fire fighters, Army personnel, police and anyone who needed to be fed or housed. 

As we were completely cut off with no power or communication and the WBNC was run by a generator, it was the lifeline of our community. 

As donated food started to trickle in it was turned into meals. The locals gathered at night for a meal and to socialise a which was extremely beneficial. 

The WBNC also was available to anyone that needed medical care as it was open 24/7. 

Sandi also found time to do welfare checks on locals who were burnt out, delivering food and supplies to them. 

I also would like to thank Tim Ham from Corryong Ambulance for the donation of a portable cool room. 

It was an amazing effort and was much appreciated during this very stressful time. 

Sue Martin, 
Team Leader, Walwa CERT