The Corryong Courier
Single club option draws a mixed response
1 min read

An alternative concept for football and netball in the Upper Murray involving a merged club model, which was presented by a working party to clubs last Monday week, has created controversy in the community.
Feedback on the ‘One Vision’ model was sought from interested community members via an online survey which closes on Thursday but critics of the proposal claim that there was insufficient time for the option to be evaluated. 
Other comments were that by being online only, the survey would prevent many people from having their say and the option is not inclusive of all clubs in the Upper Murray.
The one club option has also come under fire from the Cudgewa, Tumbarumba and Bullioh clubs.
The Corryong Courier has received three letters to the editor about the ‘One Vision’ option so that people could view both sides of the argument. Click on 'letters to the editor' button above to read them.

To have your say on the future of local football and netball complete the AFL NEB survey by 5pm this Thursday.
The working party’s report is available online at www.aflneb.com.au/upper-murray-footballnetball-seeks-communityfeedback.
The survey is available online at www.surveymonkey.com/r/RM8KCQM. It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete and closes Thursday at 5.00pm.