The Tintaldra Bridge will be closed from 10pm to 6am, starting tonight.
Following weeks of consternation the NSW government has introduced a new border region with Victoria.
As of 12.01am last Friday, there is a single border region and there will no longer be a border zone. A new border region resident permit has been introduced, allowing residents in the expanded border region to cross the NSW/Victorian border for the following reasons:-
- to get necessary goods or services
- for care or other compassionate reasons
- to attend work or education (where it is not possible to do from home)
- to permanently relocate to NSW.
However, a separate change implemented by NSW Police will limit access between the two states at the Tintaldra Bridge crossing.
From 10pm tonight (Sunday) the crossing will be closed between 10pm and 6am, seven days a week.
Police say the decision was made following consultation with the local community as there have been extremely low numbers crossing during the night since the checkpoint was established in late July.
There will be access for emergency services and the crossing will be routinely patrolled by police.
If you need to cross from Victoria into NSW during these times can do so at Jingellic or Bringenbrong.
The Victorian government has also announced changes to current restrictions as part of its roadmap to ‘Covid Normal’.
Regional Victoria will move to the Second Step of roadmap.
From 11:59pm on 13 September, people living alone and single parents will also be able to have a bubble.
Up to five people will be able to gather together in outdoor public places – the park, the beach – up to a maximum of two households. By limiting it to two households, we’re again limiting the virus’s ability to spread.
Outdoor pools and playgrounds in regional Victoria will also open. And religious services can be conducted outside with a maximum of five people, plus a faith leader.
For schools and students, we’ll begin a staged return to onsite learning from Term Four.
All VCE and VCAL students – in Melbourne and regional Victoria – will attend onsite for the General Achievement Test and other essential assessments from 5 October.
In regional Victoria, all students will return to onsite learning between 12 and 16 October and in Melbourne, VCE and VCAL students and Prep to Grade 2 will also return for onsite learning from the 12 of October.
For more information visit the website www.vic.gov.au/roadmap.