The Corryong Courier
Pool Openings Delayed
1 min read

The Snowy Valleys Council (SVC) has advised that upgrade works at the Batlow and Khancoban pools have been delayed due to wet weather and will not be completed prior to the Christmas break. Both pools are now slated to open in mid-January 2023.

"The substantial wet weather the region has experienced over the past six months has caused delays to the project’s delivery timelines and despite a commendable effort from contractors and staff to make up time, several final items will need to be completed in the new year," a Council statement said.

The Khancoban pool has a new modern amenity building including toilets, shower, disabled access, canteen, entry area and office, which is in the final stages of completion. Stage two of the project will take place after the 2023 swimming season ends and will see the old amenities building demolished and replaced with a new shade structure. Solar panels will also be installed on the structure’s roof to help regulate water temperatures.

Council received funding of $600,00 for the Khancoban pool and $1,750,000 for the Batlow pool from the Bushfire Economic Recovery Funding Round 2 which is jointly funded by the Australian and New South Wales governments.